You can download applications in several categories.
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Description |
CPDNSpy | Stats/Benchmarkprogram. Only for CPDN!!! |
SETI@BOINCWatch(.NET 2.0) | A SETI@Home/BOINC client watcher! User statistics powered by BOINCStats. But now built with the .NET environment. |
BOINCcalculator | Show details of CPDN jobs |
BoincSpy | Views BOINC project statistics |
SQL Setup for BoincSpy | Stores Workunits into SQL database |
SETISpirit | SETIspirit is free add-on tool for SETI@home users which provides information about the tasks, the SETI@home project status, workunits and credits, statistic charts and a detailed sky map. |
ThreadMaster | Control max CPU usage and prevent overheating (not specific to BOINC) |
BoincTasks | An advanced and powerful BOINC GUI |
BoincLogX | BoincLogX creates detailed log files for all BOINC projects. |
BoincView | Advanced BOINC manager for networks |
BOINC Monitor | A desktop gadget that shows the status of running tasks |
SETI@BOINCWatch | A SETI@Home/BOINC client watcher! User statistics powered by BOINCStats |
TThrottle | TThrottle throttles CPU usage to keep its temperature below a limit you select. |
SETI@BOINCWatch(.NET) | A SETI@Home/BOINC client watcher! User statistics powered by BOINCStats. But now built with the .NET environment. |
BES | Control max CPU usage and prevent overheating (not specific to BOINC) |
BOINC Client Configuration | Windows GUI for editing the client configuration file |
SETI@home-MapView | SETI@home-Mapview creates skymaps for the BOINC projects SETI@home-II, Einstein@home and Astropulse. |
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Description |
Boinc bash script | Boinc state displayer |
Diet BOINC | A no-graphics, lightweight XScreenSaver compatible alternative for BOINC screen saver |
boinc-suse | Init script for SuSE 9.2 and 9.3 |
MultiTail | Multitail shows several simultaneous tails in different curses windows. |
BOINCSTAT | Command line view of BOINC status |
boinctop | top like view of boinc status |
boincctl | Script to start boinc at boot time. |
rc.boinc (Slackware) | rc.boinc - Slackware Startup Script |
BoincTasks | An advanced and powerful BOINC GUI (requires Wine) |
Boinctray | A system tray application for monitoring the BOINC client |
BOINCTail | BOINCTail displays the status of jobs running in the BOINC environment in a 'tail-like' way. |
BOINC Monitor | Plasmoid to show BOINC status on the KDE desktop |
CPU limiter | Limits the CPU usage (good for laptops) |
boinctui | Fullscreen text mode manager for BOINC |
SETI@Boinc Tracker | SETI@Boinc Tracker is a GUI Client for Tracking Boinc CLI Client! |
KBoingMgr | A Linux/KDE replacement for the standard BOINC Manager |
BOINCprog | A BOINC project progress monitor |
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Description |
Seti Check Revolutions | Boinc state displayer. Only for seti@home! |
BOINC Statistics | Lets you check BOINC stats from the Mac OS X Dashboard |
SETI@Boinc Tracker | SETI@Boinc Tracker is a GUI Client for Tracking Boinc CLI Client! |
CPDNSpy Linux/Mac | Stats/Benchmarkprogram. Only for CPDN!!! |
BOINCMenubar 2 | Mac GUI for BOINC |
BoincTasks | An advanced and powerful BOINC GUI (requires Wine) |
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Description |
BoincTasks Mobile | BOINC graphical interface for mobile devices (Android, iPhone, iPad) |
AndroBOINC | BOINC graphical interface for Android devices |
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Description |
BOINC Server Status | Yahoo! widget adds the BOINC Online Scheduler image to your desktop. |
BOINC Statistics | Shows your statistics for any BOINC project (requires the Yahoo! widget engine) |
BOINC User Statistics Widget | Widget displays statistics for BOINC projects (requires the Yahoo! widget engine) |
SAH User Statistics | An extension for Firefox (works only with 1.0 to 1.5; may work under Mozilla) that displays your stats for SAH |
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Description |
Forum signature showing jobs in progress | A PHP script that generates a forum signature showing jobs in progress |
Boinc LCS | Shows the current state and other information from an unlimited number of BOINC clients connected to the Internet. |
SETI@home/BOINC progress status | Show your SETI@home/BOINC progress on your homepage |
Progress Thru Processors | Facebook-based interface to BOINC |
BOINC Milestones | Facebook application that posts credit milestones in your Status |
BoincPHP5-GUI | Monitor and control Boinc from a web browser |
GOINC | GOINC: A Google homepage module for keeping tabs on BOINC. |
©2025 University of Washington