What is the difference between "Searching..." and "Accepted?"

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Message 91134 - Posted: 19 Sep 2019, 20:46:25 UTC

I can't grasp the difference between the "searching..." and "accepted" folds. Based on the info I can find, "accepted" seems to represent some kind of local minimum. But "searching..." and "accepted" seem to always change at the exact same time, and the difference between the two folds is typically so slight that I can't see it.

Is anyone able to explain?


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Message 91136 - Posted: 20 Sep 2019, 18:44:57 UTC

"Accepted" is the ongoing best answer for this specific model so far... the program then explores around that ("searching...") and if it finds a "better" solution while searching it "accepts" that one.
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Message 91148 - Posted: 22 Sep 2019, 16:30:49 UTC - in response to Message 91136.  

Thanks for your answer.

"Accepted" is the ongoing best answer for this specific model so far... the program then explores around that ("searching...") and if it finds a "better" solution while searching it "accepts" that one.

Why, then, does the accepted energy go up as well as down? If "Accepted" is the best so far, then it should never go up.
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Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : What is the difference between "Searching..." and "Accepted?"

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