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Mr P Hucker

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Message 99532 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 1:13:24 UTC - in response to Message 99530.  

I have my WCG set to only get TB tasks and almost never get any tasks at all. It's okay with me, I have lots of other projects that can use my time too, but I wish I could get one per pc per day so I could get my next badge there at some point, I'm currently a bit over 3 years.

Since I came back to WCG 2.5 months ago, I've seen no TB tasks, I think there's a lull in those. Annoyingly they keep emailing me to say I'm only 4 days away from a badge with it, like I'm able to get it!

You'll have to pick another app.
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Message 99533 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 2:22:36 UTC - in response to Message 99529.  

I would have thought volunteers who are dying of the virus would take a trial no questions asked!

They first need to test on laboratory animals (monkeys, etc.) And I don't think they will approve a drug for use just because someone is dying. That doesn't prove much anyway.
You need a lot of people at various stages of the disease. Some will get a placebo, and some the trial drug.
It is a big deal to organize.
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Sid Celery

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Message 99535 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 2:30:48 UTC - in response to Message 99526.  

I think this is the link you wanted: https://www.cell.com/action/showPdf?pii=S0092-8674%2820%2931450-1
The one you posted is for the earlier research mentioned on this thread: https://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/forum_thread.php?id=13002

Arghh! I used a link from further down their twitter thread.
What a prat I am - thanks for the corrected link <sigh>
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Sid Celery

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Message 99536 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 2:51:53 UTC - in response to Message 99527.  

They aren't shutting down so much as they have finished with COVID-19.

Their version is probably as good or better than anyone's. But that isn't the point. There are at least dozens out there that have shown good effects in the lab. They just need testing in human trials. Those are harder to come by.

Also note that we don't do the protein design here. We help them develop the tools. So we finished our part at least weeks, if not months ago.

Again I may be wrong in this, but I've understood the development work for King Labs and Veesler Labs at least is put through here in those tasks with the hard-to-identify names.
Your link is more directly linked to here and will have had the more identifiable task names. Isn't that right?
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Sid Celery

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Message 99537 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 2:58:29 UTC - in response to Message 99528.  

I don't know. I've got 16Gb RAM on an 8-core machine (and 8Gb on a 4-core laptop) and both had 1 Rainfall task running each. Uploaded, grabbed 44 tasks on the 8-core 16Gb machine and none came down again. Also no Childhood Cancer tasks. I get what I get, I suppose.

What happens if you change the settings in your account on the WCG server to select only one application?

If I select all applications, I get some of everything, but an uneven amount (although not as uneven as you do).
If I select one application (even leaving the "gimme other stuff if none is available" ticked), then I get only what I asked for (apart from TB which is empty just now).
But whatever I do, I get what I asked for and plenty of it.

I do have a 0+3 hour buffer - if you're asking for say a 5 day buffer, maybe they won't do that.

I take your point, but I take whatever tasks are sent, so it's a bit more of an academic question for me. I expect you're right if I wanted to pick and chose.
I've limited my buffers to 0.1+1.0 days for all projects. I don't really know what effect that has, but when I'm grabbing between 40 and 120 tasks at a time, I'd have thought there was room for tasks from all available sub-projects.
Anyway, it's even more academic now as I've filled all my buffers with Rosetta work which will have first priority for a while
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Message 99540 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 7:51:59 UTC - in response to Message 99536.  

Again I may be wrong in this, but I've understood the development work for King Labs and Veesler Labs at least is put through here in those tasks with the hard-to-identify names.
Your link is more directly linked to here and will have had the more identifiable task names. Isn't that right?

Don't know. The work for that paper, which seems to be their main effort, probably had the COVID names in it.
Beyond that, the labs could study ancillary effects that would be hard to identify, by me at least.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 99541 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 11:53:07 UTC - in response to Message 99533.  

I would have thought volunteers who are dying of the virus would take a trial no questions asked!

They first need to test on laboratory animals (monkeys, etc.) And I don't think they will approve a drug for use just because someone is dying. That doesn't prove much anyway.
You need a lot of people at various stages of the disease. Some will get a placebo, and some the trial drug.
It is a big deal to organize.

You can skip most of that red tape crap in an emergency.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 99542 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 11:57:35 UTC - in response to Message 99537.  

I take your point, but I take whatever tasks are sent, so it's a bit more of an academic question for me. I expect you're right if I wanted to pick and chose.

Oh, I thought you said you wanted to do virus ones only.

I've limited my buffers to 0.1+1.0 days for all projects. I don't really know what effect that has, but when I'm grabbing between 40 and 120 tasks at a time, I'd have thought there was room for tasks from all available sub-projects.

I use 0+0.13 days = 0+3 hours for two reasons. When I change what project I want to do, I'm not left waiting for a day using things up. And the WUs are returned to the scientists faster.

Anyway, it's even more academic now as I've filled all my buffers with Rosetta work which will have first priority for a while

I see at 8am UTC there was a small batch in there. But I'm still getting them 3.5 hours later, so I don't know if that means there's a bigger batch coming through (why can't they update the page faster?) or they're about to run out again.
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Message 99543 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 12:53:07 UTC - in response to Message 99541.  
Last modified: 3 Nov 2020, 13:40:59 UTC

You can skip most of that red tape crap in an emergency.

You can skip all of it and just use bleach if you want to.
(The problem is that you will get only one data point. You won't live to get a second.)
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Profile robertmiles

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Message 99548 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 20:07:16 UTC - in response to Message 99522.  
Last modified: 3 Nov 2020, 20:12:01 UTC

[quote]The African Rainfall Project is weird. I ask for tasks all the time, but recently, even when 120 tasks came down in one go, I only get 1, with the others spread around Mapping Cancer Markers, Open Pandemics, Microbiome Immunity Project and Smash Childhood Cancer. It's not a matter of runtime as far as I can tell. I don't know why I get so few. Usually it's none at all when 30 or 40 tasks come down at a time.

African Rainfall Project requires a special setting to be able to have more than one such task on your computer at the same time. Check your settings.

That project has especially high memory requirements - check if your computer has enough memory to run more than one of their tasks at a time.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 99550 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 20:35:57 UTC - in response to Message 99543.  

You can skip all of it and just use bleach if you want to.
(The problem is that you will get only one data point. You won't live to get a second.)

You're dying of coronavirus, you know you will be dead in less than a week. A doctor says he can give you a trial treatment which has a 20% chance of working. You'd take it. There will be unlimited numbers of volunteers for a possibly life saving cure.

African Rainfall Project requires a special setting to be able to have more than one such task on your computer at the same time. Check your settings.

No it doesn't, I've changed nothing on my six machines and I've managed to run it on all 66 cores at once.

That project has especially high memory requirements - check if your computer has enough memory to run more than one of their tasks at a time.

It only uses 0.5GB per task. Most people have at least 1GB per core available. Try LHC, it needs 5 times that.
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Message 99553 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 21:26:52 UTC - in response to Message 99550.  
Last modified: 3 Nov 2020, 21:46:55 UTC

You're dying of coronavirus, you know you will be dead in less than a week. A doctor says he can give you a trial treatment which has a 20% chance of working. You'd take it. There will be unlimited numbers of volunteers for a possibly life saving cure.

Certainly. But no government in the world will allow them to, at least legally. There might be payments under the table that will do it.
It appears that you do not like the policy.

I won't attempt to go through the string of issues that you obviously have not thought about.
But the veracity of the doctor's claim would be subject to question, given his obvious self-interest.
There are a host of other issues you need to consider. It is more than I can do.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 99554 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 21:42:09 UTC - in response to Message 99553.  
Last modified: 3 Nov 2020, 21:43:04 UTC

You're dying of coronavirus, you know you will be dead in less than a week. A doctor says he can give you a trial treatment which has a 20% chance of working. You'd take it. There will be unlimited numbers of volunteers for a possibly life saving cure.

Certainly. But no government in the world will allow them to, at least legally. There might be payments under the table that will do it.
It appears that you do not like the policy.

I can't believe every government would be that moronic. There are two simple choices here: 100% chance of death, or 80% chance of death. Any government disallowing that treatment is guilty of the murder of 0.2 people for each case refused. It's high time we injected some basic logic into the powers that be.

I won't attempt to go through the string of issues that you obviously have not thought about.
But the veracity of the doctor's claim would be subject to question, give his self-interest.
There are a host of other issues you need to consider. It is more than I can do.

It doesn't matter what the doctor claims, anything is equal to or better than certain death.
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Message 99555 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 21:51:36 UTC - in response to Message 99554.  

It doesn't matter what the doctor claims, anything is equal to or better than certain death.

Bleach is your thing.
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Sid Celery

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Message 99556 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 23:32:31 UTC - in response to Message 99542.  

I take your point, but I take whatever tasks are sent, so it's a bit more of an academic question for me. I expect you're right if I wanted to pick and chose.

Oh, I thought you said you wanted to do virus ones only.

No, I was just wondering why I get so few African Rainfall tasks and nearly all Mapping Cancer Markers, Open Pandemics and Microbiome Immunity tasks when I accept all tasks.
We get sidetracked very easily. All good here.
Rosetta supply still holding up with full buffers, 500k tasks in progress and a few more still available for everyone
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Sid Celery

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Message 99557 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 23:47:54 UTC - in response to Message 99548.  
Last modified: 3 Nov 2020, 23:52:31 UTC

[quote]The African Rainfall Project is weird. I ask for tasks all the time, but recently, even when 120 tasks came down in one go, I only get 1, with the others spread around Mapping Cancer Markers, Open Pandemics, Microbiome Immunity Project and Smash Childhood Cancer. It's not a matter of runtime as far as I can tell. I don't know why I get so few. Usually it's none at all when 30 or 40 tasks come down at a time.

African Rainfall Project requires a special setting to be able to have more than one such task on your computer at the same time. Check your settings.

That project has especially high memory requirements - check if your computer has enough memory to run more than one of their tasks at a time.

By George, you've got it!
I've never ever found that page before, and as you say the project limit is set at 1 only for African Rainfall due to its RAM and disk space requirements.
Except the requirements (1Gb RAM per task and 1.5Gb disk space) aren't any greater than Rosetta demands, so I changed it to unlimited tasks at a time.

Hopefully that's done the trick. Thank you very much.

Edit: Just seen Peter's comment about it. Either he forgot he changed it or maybe they adjusted the parameters after he joined and before I did to put that limitation in.
Either way, mine was limited and now it's not
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 99558 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 23:54:46 UTC - in response to Message 99555.  

It doesn't matter what the doctor claims, anything is equal to or better than certain death.

Bleach is your thing.

You don't get it do you? If I'm going to die anyway, bleach does no harm, so shouldn't be illegal. And something which has some chance of curing me should definitely be legal, and encouraged! Again, the doctor CANNOT MAKE YOU WORSE OFF.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 99559 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 23:59:53 UTC - in response to Message 99557.  

Edit: Just seen Peter's comment about it. Either he forgot he changed it or maybe they adjusted the parameters after he joined and before I did to put that limitation in.
Either way, mine was limited and now it's not

I knew I hadn't changed anything on my computers, because Boinc was installed fresh on them all only a year ago, and 6 months for some, and I only reattached to WCG in the last 2 months.

I didn't realise we were talking about a setting on the server. Whenever I join something like a project or play a new computer game, etc, etc, the first thing I do is adjust all the settings, so I'll have done that a long time ago when I used WCG in the past. Do you mean in the device profile, under project limits? All mine say unlimited, I probably did that a while back.
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Profile robertmiles

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Message 99560 - Posted: 4 Nov 2020, 4:14:59 UTC - in response to Message 99559.  
Last modified: 4 Nov 2020, 4:15:31 UTC

Edit: Just seen Peter's comment about it. Either he forgot he changed it or maybe they adjusted the parameters after he joined and before I did to put that limitation in.
Either way, mine was limited and now it's not

I knew I hadn't changed anything on my computers, because Boinc was installed fresh on them all only a year ago, and 6 months for some, and I only reattached to WCG in the last 2 months.

I didn't realise we were talking about a setting on the server. Whenever I join something like a project or play a new computer game, etc, etc, the first thing I do is adjust all the settings, so I'll have done that a long time ago when I used WCG in the past. Do you mean in the device profile, under project limits? All mine say unlimited, I probably did that a while back.

I forget where it is, bur it mentions that it's specific to African Rainfall Project. Probably in the device profile, and only added when the African Rainfall Project started. It defaults to 1 if you haven't set it.
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Sid Celery

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Message 99567 - Posted: 4 Nov 2020, 16:07:07 UTC - in response to Message 99559.  

Edit: Just seen Peter's comment about it. Either he forgot he changed it or maybe they adjusted the parameters after he joined and before I did to put that limitation in.
Either way, mine was limited and now it's not

I knew I hadn't changed anything on my computers, because Boinc was installed fresh on them all only a year ago, and 6 months for some, and I only reattached to WCG in the last 2 months.

I didn't realise we were talking about a setting on the server. Whenever I join something like a project or play a new computer game, etc, etc, the first thing I do is adjust all the settings, so I'll have done that a long time ago when I used WCG in the past. Do you mean in the device profile, under project limits? All mine say unlimited, I probably did that a while back.

Yes, under the default device profile, Project Limit for African Rainfall Project showed "1" - now changed to "Unlimited"
I'd never been into the default profile option before for any reason, let alone set a custom default profile.
I've never really understood WCG so I've previously left well alone.
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